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3/4 dog 100% Border Collie

Kess verbage

Kess the bipawd???

So like any dog Kess has her odd little behaviors and opinions that constantly amuse me. So here are a couple of Kess verbs and their definitions.

One of the things Kess used to do every night was to shove her head under the blankets at the end of the bed and thrash around for a while, and then zoom back and forth rubbing her face on the blankets.   My husband and I for whatever reason refer to it as snarfling. This habit had come to an abrupt halt post amputation and I’m happy to say that Kess finally has her snarfle back. Kess also used to enjoy a post dinner snarfle on the wool rug in the front room, but she has not done this since her amputation 🙁  I think she finds it difficult to roll over, she was always a dog that led with her right side, and now has trouble figuring out how to switch and use her other side as her strong side.  So for now I give her a post dinner head scratching.

Another Kess verb is snooting, jabbing your nose at people repeatedly in an attempt to encourage them to pet you or throw the ball.  Snooting is also applied heavily when any human sits or lays on the ground (that’s doglandia) or when I hide her ball in one of my kids clothes.  It takes a lot of snooting to ferret that ball out and the kids keep squirming around laughing making it even harder to find the ball . . . must find the ball, ball, ball, ball. 

Feel the love

Kess is also referred to as the fun police.  She doesn’t like it if things get to rowdy.  Shortly after a squeal from the kiddos or a bark from Suki you’ll hear Kess crashing through the house at a breakneck pace to see just what sort of shenanigans everyone is up to, and put everything back in to order.  Toddlers fly in her wake and Suki braces for impact.  This is actually a really annoying behavior that I’ve been working on curbing for years.  We have almost got to a point where Kess will crash into the room and then come sit in front of me.  This gives a few moments for the action to diffuse a bit.  Kess is very motion reactive, and while I think she really just wants to join in the fun she generally ends up frustrated circling the room and barking.  So if roughhousing is in order Kess has to hang out in her crate for a bit, but always gets to wrestle with mom later . . . because wrestling is one of the best ways to show off how tough and spectacular you are. 

How Kess does puddles


How Suki aka dainty paws handles puddles

2 Comments so far

  1.   maggie on January 22nd, 2011          Reply

    Kess, you’re definitely 100% Border Collie! LOL 🙂 You remind me of my 100% Aussie and her antics of “all rough-housing must come to an end!”

    Cool pictures! Oh and I especially like the one’s of Kess and Suki in their ‘ways’ of going thru puddles 🙂

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  2.   CatiesMom on January 27th, 2011          Reply

    Oh! How did I miss this post? Great pictures and great description of all of Kess’s charming idiosyncrasies – snarfling and snooting. 🙂

    Not exactly a puddle jumper is she? 🙂

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