What a summer!
Well things have finally settled down a bit around here. We just finished up our last disc competition of the season. Plans to head down to CA for a competition next weekend came to an abrupt end as my youngest daughter broke her collar bone last weekend. I can now say that keeping a 3 year old mellow is just as hard as keeping a border collie quiet and calm.
We had a cold, cold summer, but luckily the sun finally showed up in Seattle for our much anticipated camping trip to Sequim Bay. We had beautiful weather for the entire 5 days and everyone had a great time. We even met another tripawd on our trip. Seems like I see tripawds everywhere now 🙂 We bump in to a new tripawd almost weekly.
As we move into fall we grow ever closer to Kess’s 1 year ampuversary. I never expected her to rebound so fully from her surgery and she amazes me everyday. Even with all Kess has accomplished in the last year I can’t help but notice the grey creeping into her muzzle, and walks are still very tiring for her is it’s more than .5mi or so. I worry about arthritis in her leg and other medical issues she may encounter as the years progress. Because of this I will probably ramp down her dog sports a bit and try to get her out swimming more often. If I could get her to stop wiggling long enough she might even enjoy some obedience work. You’d think at 7 almost 8 this squirley girl could settle down a bit, but I wouldn’t trade my three legged crazy dog for anything.
Yay for Kess, sorry about your daughter’s collar bone- that’s gotta be tough. Glad that Kess is doing so well 🙂 You go girl!
Jenna & Spirit Chili Dawg